
Grant Assistance

BGADD can provide assistance with project development and administration utilizing grant funds such as:

  • Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
  • Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
  • Mutimodal Transportation Enhancement
  • Area Development Fund
  • Land & Water Conservation
  • Recreational Trails
  • Rails to Trails
  • U. S. Department of Justice
  • Homeland Security
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • KY Department of Agriculture
  • KY Infrastructure Authority
  • U.S. Economic Development Administration
  • U. S. Environmental Protection Agency


Types of grant fundable projects include:


  • Infrastructure, water & wastewater lines, treatment plants, etc.
  • Job creation/retention
  • Assistance to new or existing industry
  • Senior Citizens Center and Health Department Construction
  • Financial assistance to new or existing industry
  • Financial assistance to local governments in times of a declared emergency
  • Projects directly related to the various modes of surface transportation
  • Recreational parks & trails
  • Substance Abuse Prevention
  • Assistance and equipment to First Responders
  • Flood prevention infrastructure